Build info
{string} buildPath - The path to the build
GET : https://{jenkinsHost}/job/:buildPath/api/json
Builds info
{string} jobName - The path to the job
Job info
{string} jobName - The name of the job, or if in a folder, the path to the job, starting with the folder name. i.e. without the preceding "/job/"
GET : https://{jenkinsHost}/job/:jobName/api/json
Jobs info
{string} folderName - Optional, the name of the folder in which to search for jobs
GET : https://{jenkinsHost}/:folderName/api/json?tree=jobs
User info
{string} username - A Jenkins user
GET : https://{jenkinsHost}/user/:username/api/json
Generated using TypeDoc
Build info
{string} buildPath - The path to the build
GET : https://{jenkinsHost}/job/:buildPath/api/json